Privacy Policy

Aspire Literacy is not subject to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) or the Information Privacy Act (2014).

However, your privacy is of great importance to Aspire Literacy. We have developed this policy to explain how we collect, ​use, ​communicate and disclose personal information from our Clients. Our privacy policy states the following:

All information collected by Aspire Literacy is done so for a certain purpose.

  • We will collect and use personal information for that purpose and for other relevant purposes, unless we are ​required ​by law to disclose the information to a third party.
  • Personal information will only be kept for the period for which it is relevant and purposeful.
  • We will appropriately collect personal information by lawful and fair means and with the knowledge and consent of the ​​individual concerned. (It is appropriate for a parent/guardian to give information related to their child if their child is ​​under the age of 18.)
  • Aspire Literacy does its best to ensure all personal information we hold is up to date, complete and relevant. We ask ​that you assist us to achieve this by telling us immediately if you change your contact details or if any other personal ​information we hold about you is not correct or incomplete. You can request a change of information by emailing us ​with the details of your requested change.
  • To obtain a copy of the personal information held about you, please email Aspire Literacy. We will provide this ​information to you after we take reasonable measures to check your identity.
  • Aspire Literacy will use reasonable safeguards to protect personal information against unauthorised access, ​​disclosure, copying, use modification and theft.

Complaints, Queries and Updates

We take the management of your personal information very seriously. We encourage you to bring any concerns or queries ​you have regarding our collection or use of information to our attention by emailing us at Aspire Literacy.

At Aspire Literacy, we are committed to keep personal information confidential, maintained and protected. Please check ​​this page periodically for any updates made to our privacy policy. Our privacy policy regarding our management of client’s ​​personal information will be made available for potential clients to view by following a link on our Aspire Literacy website.